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What Does Obstetric
Panel Test For?

Obstetric panels are tests used to determine the health of a woman during her pregnancy, and they can also be used to confirm a baby’s health after birth. During pregnancy, OB panels will screen for communicable diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV, as well as bleeding disorders (hemophilia) and lupus. After birth, the bloodwork provides important information regarding your baby’s nutritional status.

Pregnant Women With Her Children - What Does Obstetric Panel Test For?

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What Is a

Obstetric Panel Blood Test

An obstetric panel blood test, or OPP, is a group of tests performed during an annual checkup to determine things such as cholesterol and glucose levels. Your health care professional may suggest the OPP if you are at an increased risk for developing certain health conditions related to pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia. Obstetric panel blood test is often used to screen for gestational hypertension and preeclampsia, which are caused by high blood pressure during pregnancy. It can also detect some other complications related to a mother’s health like anemia, infection, kidney disease and liver disease.

OB – Obstetric Panel (formerly called a “quad screen”) is a blood test that checks for the presence of cell free fetal DNA in your bloodstream. This test can indicate if there is an increased risk of having a baby with certain disorders, such as Down syndrome, trisomy 18 and neural tube defects. It may be given at two points in your pregnancy: 11 weeks and again between 15-20 weeks or later into the first trimester (about 16 weeks after your last menstrual period). An Obstetric Panel test is a blood test performed during the second trimester of pregnancy. A doctor may recommend it to look for genetic conditions in the fetus, such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21). It also can be used to check for some types of birth defects and other serious health issues, such as spina bifida and fetal anemia.

The obstetric panel is a group of blood tests that are often used to diagnose or monitor problems in pregnancy. Prenatal care specialists order this test to evaluate a woman’s health and the development of her baby. Results of an obstetric panel can indicate issues such as bleeding and infections, which should be monitored throughout pregnancy. 

Who Needs

Obstetric Panel Blood Testing

Who needs obstetric panel blood test? Why should you have the obstetric panel blood test? An obstetric panel is a group of tests that are done to check how healthy you are or are not during pregnancy. This test can be done at any time during pregnancy. You should not be afraid to ask for this test and many doctors will order them as soon as you tell them you are pregnant. Obstetric Panel blood test is used to evaluate the health of a pregnant woman and her baby.

The Ob/Gyn Panel is a group of tests used to help diagnose pregnancy complications, including ectopic pregnancy and gestational trophoblastic disease. If you are pregnant, your doctor may order an obstetric panel blood test during a prenatal visit. This test is recommended for first-time moms and women who have a history of complicating pregnancies (such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia).

The purpose of the Obstetric Panel is to evaluate your risk for pregnancy complications such as anemia and identify genetic abnormalities. It also provides important information about your overall health status so we can help make decisions regarding your pregnancy. The panel blood test is used to determine the presence of infection or inflammation, aiding in the diagnosis of conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, and certain infections.


When Should i get a

Obstetrics Blood Test Panel

Women who are pregnant should get an obstetric panel blood test before receiving other prenatal screening tests, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pregnant women should be screened between the ages of 11 and 14 weeks, which is when miscarriages usually occur. A obstetric panel blood test is recommended as early as possible during pregnancy. It is typically done at 8-12 weeks, but some physicians will do it earlier if they feel that it’s needed.

A woman should get a Panel blood test in early pregnancy if she has risk factors for an abnormal blood test result, or for conditions that are likely to affect the fetus. A Panel blood test can provide early information about the health of the baby and of the mother. A obstetric panel blood test is recommended as early as possible during pregnancy. It is typically done at 8-12 weeks, but some physicians will do it earlier if they feel that it’s needed.

The Importance of

Obstetric Panel Blood Testing

Getting an Obstetric Panel Blood Test is important for a woman because it is used to screen for certain medical conditions in pregnant women. 

Prevention is always the best way to avoid complications related to pregnancy. Many conditions such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes, which can both cause serious problems for mother and baby, can be prevented if caught early on. If a blood test that measures your pregnancy-related blood sugar levels (pregestational diabetes) is negative and one of these conditions develops during your pregnancy, treatment can help prevent severe problems from developing. If you are over 35, a first-time pregnant woman or at risk for a pregnancy, it is important to discuss having a comprehensive obstetric panel blood test with your OBGYN. The blood test will help to determine the screening for chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, as well as any metabolic issues that might be present which could cause problems later in pregnancy and delivery. This blood test is important for women to get because it can detect any blood condition that could be harmful to the mother or baby. The Obstetric Panel also helps detect Rh incompatibility, a condition that can cause problems with future pregnancies if left untreated.

The blood test is important because it can identify issues before and during pregnancy. It helps to identify conditions that may lead to preeclampsia, anemia, or other problems related to the health of mother and baby.

Our Doctors

Dr. Mark G. Adorjan


Dr. Julianne Falleroni, DO MPH FAAFP

Dr. Julianne Falleroni


Dr. Bonnie Korytkowski, DO

Dr. Bonnie Korytkowski


Dr. Kathleen J. Meyer DO

Dr. Kathleen J. Meyer


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